Scott Lilleston Counseling - Boulder, CO
“And the time came, when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ”
Highly sensitive person counseling is a powerful resource that can help you completely reframe your life. As your awareness increases, so can your confidence. With better boundaries and improved emotional regulation and communication skills, your relationships can begin to thrive. You can truly go from feeling confused and uncertain to confident, clear and centered in all aspects of your life.
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In order to move through the grief process, it is fundamentally important that there is some kind of support, whether that be counseling, grief support groups, advocacy or spiritual guidance. Grief counseling, particularly, can be incredibly supportive in helping you move through your grief process and integrate your loss and experience in ways that are supportive, safe and healing.
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Through addressing inherited family patterns and challenging the current patterns and belief systems that are no longer serving you—and perhaps never have—new possibilities and perspectives arise. Through this profound work, it is possible to tap into your innate wisdom and experience more ease, understanding, freedom and joy in your life.
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I’m so happy you’re here. I’m Scott Lilleston, a counselor, body-based therapist and creator of the Somatic Re-Patterning Approach™. If you’ve found this website you’re likely looking to make a profound change in your life.
Many people who seek out my services are experiencing chronic physical, mental, or spiritual struggle in their lives. Others are on a personal growth path and need support to reach the next level in their development.
I understand how difficult it can be when you’ve tried other approaches in the past without gaining long-term results. Maybe you’ve done traditional bodywork, talk therapy, or even yoga, but you’re just not getting exactly what you need to move beyond the area where you’re most challenged in your life.
If you can identify with this, I want you to know that many people feel this way. The good news is that there is a way to find the relief, fulfillment and growth you’re seeking. And it’s much closer than you may realize.
Here's How to Begin
First, sign up to receive your free guide on 6 Steps to Reducing Anxiety and Stress with Mindfulness.
Next, look around the website and reach out when you’re ready to see how I can help you with your unique situation. I am honored to be of service in any way I can.
“As a Body-centered psychotherapist who specializes in trauma, I am highly impressed with Scott’s vast knowledge, skill, presence and integrity in the work he offers in the world. His commitment and rigor in studying anatomy, neurophysiology, bodywork and counseling psychology over nearly 20 years is apparent and support his holistic and integrative approach to health and healing of the whole person – body, mind, & spirit. Scott’s presence and integrity are impeccable, rooted in his reverence for all beings, and his commitment to planetary healing through his work and beingness in the world. I would highly recommend Scott to anyone who is ready to move into a greater sense of health, aliveness and wholeness in their lives.”